There are even extra hidden area’s, secret caves and open oceans – you can literally surf between regions and discover secluded islands. Pokemon Liquid Crystal allows you to explore Johto and Kanto, just like the original Pokemon Crystal game.

The story is similar to the original Pokemon Crystal, with the addition of new events and even a brand new region to explore. It’s a complete remake of the Original Pokémon Crystal game from the GameBoy Color, using Pokemon Fire Red as the base. Next problem which occured after the provincial park bug: If I load my save file, I always have to input the date and the time, everytime.ĮDIT2: same problem occures when I want to enter the naljo ruins.Pokémon: Liquid Crystal is a ROM Hack developed for the GameBoy Advanced system by a non-Nintendo affiliated developer called LINKANDZELDA.

The following one is the error message which I get, when I enter the provincial park (as a new Member I cannot insert images, so I have to type it, sorry): The provincial park in the german patch is bugged, to get through it, you have to have the same version of pokemon prism on english, than just rename your german save data of pokemon prism to the name of the english save dataį.e.: My german one is called "prism-v0.94-b0235 - Deutsch.sav" and my english one is called "", so just rename your german file to "prism-v0.94-b0235-debug" and play through the park area, after you are in the passing gate you can save and rename it back to your german one and can go on. When you leave the firelight caverns to route 81 or 80 (dunno which comes next) the game crashes, we tried it on different emulators but the crash still happens, do you have a fix for this?ĮDIT1: Ok, I've found a walkaround, but through this, you will miss an important part of the game I guess (never played through this game, so I don't know). Hey Razor, me and my friends are playing pokemon prism on the german patch right now and a bug occurred.