“This was a song I was playing a lot as my mom was transitioning,” Rexx Life Raj said. I probably made 200 songs and picked 12 for the album.” By the time I went to the studio, I was able to crank out so many songs. I knew when I eventually had time to write, I wanted the music to be super personal and reflect what I was going through after my mom transitioned.

“I’d take notes on life whenever I was with my mom-in the hospital, in the ER. “When my mom got cancer, it kind of turned me into a caregiver overnight and I’d stop doing music to take care of her,” Rexx Life Raj told Rolling Stone Radio co-host Jon Weigell. And throughout it all, he took constant notes about the ideas and feelings he experienced as his family navigated death in real time. He even turned a room in his parents house-the Yellow Room from his childhood where he grew up and first learned to produce music-into a studio and created there when it wasn’t being used for his mom’s hospice or his dad’s dialysis.

If the lyrics and somber melodies don’t give it away, the rapper wrote his latest album while doing everything he could to spend time with his parents and make them comfortable in their final months as their health declined in recent years. When Rexx Life Raj calls The Blue Hour his most personal record, he ain’t kidding.